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potent transmissions

to amplify your prosperity

8 Sessions

So you can dive deep

One Year

(6 months for Birthday purchases)

Unleash the Power of Wealth: Experience The Alchemy of Prosperity

Prosperity is your birthright

Most people believe that prosperity is a matter of luck. They think that some people are just born into wealth, while others have to struggle their entire lives.

But the truth is, prosperity is a choice. It's not about what you were born into or what circumstances you find yourself in. It's about your mindset and your beliefs.


Welcome to a transformative journey that will revolutionize your relationship with abundance and unlock the keys to your prosperous future. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure with The Alchemy of Prosperity, a life-changing course that will propel you towards a world of infinite possibilities.

Open the Floodgates to Abundance

Are you ready to break free from the limitations that have held you back? Are you ready to step into a life of limitless wealth, health, and happiness? The Alchemy of Prosperity is your gateway to unlocking the abundance that has always been within your reach.

Discover the Magic Within You

This isn't just another self-help course—it's a transformative experience like no other. Led by the extraordinary Baba Richard and Sri Namaste Moore, renowned mentors and guides in the realm of prosperity, The Alchemy of Prosperity will take you on a soul-stirring journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Ignite Your Inner Alchemist

Imagine a world where prosperity flows effortlessly into your life. Picture yourself effortlessly attracting wealth, success, and happiness. With The Alchemy of Prosperity, you'll learn the secrets of the inner alchemist and master the art of creating your own reality.

Unlock the Secrets of Abundance Bonus Resources: Gain access to an array of valuable bonus resources, including worksheets, affirmations, and visualizations, that will further enhance your transformational experience.

Ready to Manifest Your Dreams?

The Alchemy of Prosperity is your opportunity to rewrite the story of your life and create a future filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment. It's time to reclaim your power, unleash your potential, and manifest your dreams with unwavering confidence.

Enroll Today and Embrace Prosperity

Invest in yourself and take the leap towards a life of unlimited wealth. The Alchemy of Prosperity is not just a course—it's a catalyst for profound transformation and unparalleled growth.


The dynamic laws of prosperity and how certain beliefs can create or collapse it in your life. We'll also explore how language can work wonders in the creation of wealth.

Vibrant Lessons: Engage with dynamic lessons that combine practical strategies with profound spiritual wisdom. Learn how to align your mindset, emotions, and actions with the frequencies of abundance.

You'll discover the hidden secrets of creating prosperity at will and how using cosmic law can open the door for the miraculous while also placing you in the position of authority and mastery.

Experiential Exercises: Immerse yourself in experiential exercises designed to amplify your manifesting abilities and strengthen your connection with the divine forces of prosperity.

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Secure your place in this extraordinary journey and open the doors to abundance. Don't let this opportunity slip away. Enroll now and become the architect of your prosperous future.

P.S. Remember, true prosperity is within your reach. The Alchemy of Prosperity is your key to unlocking the life you've always dreamed of. Don't wait



We do this work TOGETHER.

You'll hear from the Authentic Masculine and the Embodied Feminine TOGETHER.

Offering you a Calibration to your OWN embodiment - a template- not a cookie cutter.

Being in our Frequency opens you to seeing things in a completely different way, receiving high caliber SOURCE creation codes directly from Intelligent Infinity.

This is High alchemy at it's finest.


Because we Stand for Marriage and Hold the Master Codes for Unification -

Husbands and Wives pay ONE Fee.

We place our money where our mouth is.

We don't just BELIEVE in your Oneness - we are INVESTED in it.

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You will receive:

1 year access (6 months access for birthday purchases)

8 Sessions

9 hours of Quantum Portal Teachings - prerecorded and Ready for USE.

Ouantum Leap Portal - All Sessions available NOW - no waiting so you can shift more swiftly

No refunds, No exchanges, No transfers



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